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facebook boleh jadi punca result teruk??
aku taktahu pon..
yang aku tahu,celik mata jek facebook,nak pejam mata facebook...
teruk gila !!!
i'm too addicted to facebook, i admit it...
i dont know why and when it happen...
but now i've realize about it...
there's many things i can do using facebook...
even have certain people doesnt have facebook for some reason, but i cant get let myself free from facebooking...
too many entertainment,thats why facebook is melalaikan & might be makruh..
games,comment from friends,advertisment,and some kind of new application that have in facebook that make me interest on it...
but sometimes, i can avoid from visiting my facebook because of no internet connection and too busy with work & assignment...
for me,its depends to people how they use facebook to do good things so that facebook cant give negative influence to them...
just visiting facebook for necessary purpose and dont be like me, a facebook maniac !!
do add me- huyoo_epen89@yahoo.com.my
epin jgn men fb slalu nty laptop meltop bru taw ... huhuhu
lappy epin kuat...
ta meletop2 pon...
tahan jek..
lappy eza la jgn bkak slalu,t kne petir susa~
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