02 April 2010

Dinner Blok Frankfurt

sesi bersama pemenat

makan makan. free~

kami rawk !!

dari kiri, fara, adek, epin, farid, cik, yus

band tidak bernama

semalam yakni 1 april 2010, first event aku buat persembahan. hahaha. camana aku ley terlibat? sebab adanya cable besar iaitu Farid Sakri, die la punca utama dapat event tu. pengarah dapat tau dari mana tah. aku pun termelibatkan diri sekali. best memang best. yela budak kolej sendiri, dah kenal. takdelah kekok sangat. event ni adalah untuk dinner blok pompuan iaitu Blok Frankfurt yang mana pengarahnya adalah cik Liyana Lea.

special thanks to her even she know that i'd no experience to perform in front of crowd plus it's a dinner event, it should be perform well because it is a formal event. Frankfurt girls were totally crazy last night. they were singing, dancing and screaming while we playing music. even in that situation, the event run successfully and controllable. actually they were enjoying themselves. it is a havoc dinner that i have attend.

after this, i'll perform at DPP's dinner event at coming Monday night and also Cambridge's Dinner at Tuesday night. i hope both event well performed. oke that all for this entry. continue to other post. ;)

- epin -


Fadhilah said...

sjk bila ko berjnk2 ngn maen gitar ni..hehe

Ariffin Janal said...

dah lama kottt..ko jek taktau..
aku main gitar sejak kt mtrk tp just suka2~heheeee

Fadhilah said...
